High Versus Low Emotional Intelligence: How to Tell
In part three of our Emotional Intelligence series, Prof. VGT illustrates how to differentiate someone with high emotional intelligence from someone with low EI. Someone with low emotional intelligence Ramesh works in marketing. While his work is commendable, people in the workplace tend to avoid him. He does most of his work alone and does not […]
Emotional Intelligence: How to Cultivate It
In part two of our Emotional Intelligence series, Prof. VGT offers five easy ways to boost EI. 1. Become aware of and tune into your emotions. One of the first, and perhaps most important steps, is to become more self aware, or to develop the ability to tune into your own emotions. Why? In order to […]
Emotional Intelligence: an Introduction
Intelligence Quotient (IQ) has been for long wrongly assumed to be the sole denominator of intelligence, but today, Emotional Quotient (EQ) is considered even more important than IQ. Prof. VGT explains just what emotional intelligence (EI) is and how it’s significant. Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and regulate one’s emotions and understand the emotions […]