For the longest time we’ve been fed all sorts of wrong notions about success. We’re told that to be considered successful, we ought to flaunt a few degrees, then attain a certain status, have a certain type of car, own a house, get married, have children…and then the cycle renews itself, with the same things expected of the child. It’s an endless cycle of fulfilling others’ expectations and having expectations from others.
This, my mostly young friends, is a pure recipe for failure.
Because with this definition of success, you will be constantly chasing your own tail. Your goal post will keep moving, because no matter how many degrees you get, money you earn, houses you own, someone else somewhere will always have more than you, and you will always be unhappy thinking yourself to be a failure.
Instead, I want to encourage you to think of success as something you will define for yourself, setting your own goals and rules, and not simply and blinding toeing the line that has been thrust upon you by others, or comparing yourself to others.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m asking you to be ambitious. But make sure that amibition is yours; not the society’s.
When you do this, when you truly pause to listen to your heart and ask what you really want; what will truly make you happy and content, you’ll be surprised what answers you’ll hear from your inner voice; you’ll be surprised how little it takes to make you happy if you unburden yourself from the expectations of society and follow your own inner light to journey through life.
And then, you will have no failure; only different levels of success. Try it and see for yourself! Meanwhile, happy reading, and have a happy and successful month!