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Health and Fitness


All About Hepatitis Types

In a followup to our last article on hepatitis, called Hepatitis: Rapid-Fire Basics, Dr. Sucharitha breaks down each type of hepatitis in detail.


Hepatitis: Rapid-Fire Basics

The disorder that makes you feel as though you’re looking through turmeric-tinted glasses can be confusing.  Dr. Sucharitha demystifies it like only a doctor can.


Hypertension: Rapid-Fire Basics

Think hypertension and you tend to assume that it’s an illness that affects only the elderly. Turns out, that’s a myth and hypertension is increasing common among the youth – all the more reason that you bring yourself up to speed on what it is and how to save yourself from it. Dr. Sucharitha has the lowdown.


Are You Sleeping Enough?

A recent survey conducted for an electronics company reveals that 93 per cent are short on sleep and 11 percent fell asleep at work. This sleeplessness is cause for concern. Prof. VGT gives us the lowdown.


Anger Management

Do you often lose your cool when things go wrong at work?  If you are one of those easily angered, chronically


Dealing with the Epidemic After the Pandemic

Two years since the covid-19 pandemic, multiple crises are unfolding, the most significant of these being that of mental health. Dr. Kandeepan gives us four simple ways to keep your mind healthy so your body keeps kicking.
